
A participação de agricultores familiares no processo de recuperação de áreas alteradas na região do Xingu, estado do Pará

The central objective from this thesis is to analyse the recover process of changed areas in the scope of the programme PROAMBIENTE from the experiences of the recovering of changed areas developed by the familiar farmers organizations from the Transamazonica and Xingu. The spacial reference unity o...

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Autor principal: ALMEIDA, Everaldo Nascimento de
Grau: Tese
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2012
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/2988
The central objective from this thesis is to analyse the recover process of changed areas in the scope of the programme PROAMBIENTE from the experiences of the recovering of changed areas developed by the familiar farmers organizations from the Transamazonica and Xingu. The spacial reference unity of the study was the Transamazonica Pole where are located the municipalities Senador José Porfírio, Pacajá and Anapu selected by the social movements from the Xingu region for to carrying out one of the principal experiences of the rural development realized on the Brazilian Amazonia, the Programme PROAMBIENTE. As a methodological procedure, the research adopted the tool Eco-Cert.Proambiente, programme created by the EMBRAPA Meio Ambiente (EMBRAPA Environmental) for to evaluate the level of adoption of several activities whose objective would be the improvement of services used on the rural properties. For the evaluation of the participation from “external actors” (NGOs and GOs) in the experiences from the PROAMBIENTE and others projects/ initiatives of areas recovering on the study‟s region , we carry out the informal interviews. As a result, the study showed that the initiatives of recovering the changed areas by the familiar farmers with help or not of the “external actors” , were of fundamental importance for the sustainable development on the localities where they were realized. This local sustainable development was potential, mainly by federal programmes like Bolsa Familia (Familiar subsidy) and Luz para todos (Light for all). About the activities of environmental recovering incentivated by the PROAMBIENTE we observed that several were adopted and made part of the everyday of the rural families even after four years of absence of the programme on the region. Activities like the reduction of the native forest deforestation, prevention and control of the fire‟s use, reduction of using the agrotoxics were some of them adopted and realized continually on the properties by the local families. The adoption of these practices was a result of the intensive motive realized by the technical team from PROAMBIENTE, with the interchanges, courses, capacities and trainings for the rural families. Other practices weren‟t realized since this time the families need a external help or the investment for the continuation of the programme for the building of the “ideal land portion”. This planning would be going on if the programme should continue, but this didn‟t happen. The study even showed the role of the extensive technician formed in a new dynamic to make technical assistance and rural extension (ATER) which evaluate the endogenous knowledge from the farmers and which direction their activities turned their activities to a agroecological transition.