
Marcadores ultra-sonográficos hepáticos em portadores assintomáticos do vírus da hepatite C, pré-doadores de sangue da Fundação HEMOPA, Belém-Pará

ln order to evaluate the importance of the ultra-sonography, as an image diagnosis rnethod, in the detection of hepatics alterations in people who are symptomatics carrier of the hepatitis C vírus (HCV), this assay has studied people that are blood pre-donors of Fundação Hemopa, official reference h...

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Autor principal: MAGNO, José Emilio Campos
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2013
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/3654
ln order to evaluate the importance of the ultra-sonography, as an image diagnosis rnethod, in the detection of hepatics alterations in people who are symptomatics carrier of the hepatitis C vírus (HCV), this assay has studied people that are blood pre-donors of Fundação Hemopa, official reference hemocentre of Pará State, Brazil, between October and December of 2003,with the more important aims: to depict the hepatics markers of morphologics alterations; to find the frequency of thats alterations and to define the presence of association enter that’s morphologics alterations and the HCV infection. The assay has compared a central group - composed by 30 people HCV positive - and a control group - composed by 38 people HCV negative. Both of the research's groups were asymptomatic male and female with correct age to be blood donors. The donation selection have been done by the hemocentre, using their rotine proceeding. The paper has proceeded using pared people by sex and age. The groups have shown young age as most of all, wich is a normal hemocentre profile. Hepatomegaly, hiperecogenicity of the parenchyma have been the most found alteration in both research's groups, however without significative statistic difference. The increasing of the liver cell fatness is the way we can explain these alterations, reminding that the inflammation and the fibrotic components can increase this hiperecogenicity of the tiver parenquime. Heterogenicity, hipoecogenics focus, visibility alterations of some inside tiver veins and splenomegaly have been some other topics without significative statistic difference between the central and control groups. Significative statistic difference were found in the liver superfície marker and in the c1assification by pontuation, exactly as Lin's scores, about liver superficies, parenchyma, inside veins and spleen index. The total points has classified people from central and control groups in thin standard - 80% in central group and 100% in control group -; heterogenics - 13,3% in central group and 0% in control group -; and nodular - 6,7 % in central group and 0% in control group. There weren't found in both groups nodes, mass, ascitis, increasing of the portal and spleen veins and collateral circulation. The young age of blood donors people could have minimized the ecographics markers found, because of the chronics evolution tendence, slow and silent, of the VHC infection, with lately expressions of chronics hepatitis's morphologics alterations, cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma.