
O desafio das águas numa metrópole amazônida: uma reflexão das políticas de proteção dos mananciais da região metropolitana de Belém-PA (1984 – 2004)

To talk about constant interruptions in water supply to the population of the municipal districts that compose the Metropolitan Area of Belém - RMB, in the State of Pará, that is, without a doubt, favored by a rich net of great river basins (the Amazonian Basin, the Tocantins-Araguaia Basin and Coas...

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Autor principal: BORDALO, Carlos Alexandre Leão
Grau: Tese
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2013
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/3718
To talk about constant interruptions in water supply to the population of the municipal districts that compose the Metropolitan Area of Belém - RMB, in the State of Pará, that is, without a doubt, favored by a rich net of great river basins (the Amazonian Basin, the Tocantins-Araguaia Basin and Coast of the Western Northeast), seems to be a great contradiction. If the problem is not in low hydric readiness as it happens in some metropolitan areas of the country (São Paulo, Recife and Rio de Janeiro), why are not the urban demands of the resident population in the expansion area of the metropolis being assisted satisfactorily? What factors would be committing the water supply system quality of RMB? And how have the Government of the State of Pará and the Municipal City Halls of Belém implemented policies for the protection of Utinga source, major responsible for the provisioning of that population? Those subjects presented, demonstrate us the central point of this theory that is to understand how in an Amazonian metropolis, located in an area rich in superficial and underground hydric accessibility, the public system of drinkable water supply of the Utinga source has been challenging the city to survive. For this reason, it was necessary to evaluate the importance of their water resources, the development level of its environmental and hydric legislation, as well as the need of drawing goals and management practices for the river basins, among them the ones used as fountainhead to the drinkable water supply of the Metropolitan Area of Belém. The subject that involves the administration of water resources in the paraenses river basins, in matter the ones destined to the provisioning of RMB cities’ population, requests the development of a study centered on a political ecology capable to supply a theoretical-methodological outline regarding the use of the river basins as administration units integrated between state and city halls, as well as through the residents' participation and other local users of the water. Therefore, our objective is based on the need of identification and evaluation of twenty years of politics implemented by the Government of the State of Pará and Municipal City Halls of Belém, for protection and administration of Utinga sources (river basins of Igarapés Murutucum and Água Preta) responsible for the provisioning of 70% of the population of the Metropolitan Area of Belém.