
Diversidade da quiropterofauna (Mammalia) no Parque Ecológico de Gunma, Santa Bárbara do Pará

Implementing Conservation Units provides tools to prevent loss of biodiversity in areas under the influence of large urban towns. To monitor certain zoological groups in such Units may contribute to promote successful local conservation programs. The “Parque Ecológico de Gunma” (PEG, Gunma Ecolog...

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Autor principal: FONSECA, Rodrigo Teixeira D'Alincourt
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2013
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/4242
Implementing Conservation Units provides tools to prevent loss of biodiversity in areas under the influence of large urban towns. To monitor certain zoological groups in such Units may contribute to promote successful local conservation programs. The “Parque Ecológico de Gunma” (PEG, Gunma Ecological Park), a property with 540 ha administered by the “Associação Gunma Kenjin-Kai do Norte do Brasil”, preserves a forest remnant inside the city of Santa Bárbara do Pará, region of “Great Belém”, Pará State, Brazil. The Park is predominantly composed by “Terra Firme” (upland forest) and “Igapó” (seasonally flooded forests near streams and the main river) plant physiognomies. The present study aims to provide a taxonomic and ecological profile about the bat fauna (Mammalia: Chiroptera) occurring in the Park and its adjacencies. The quantitative analysis included measures of capture efforts, species richness and diversity, as well as an evaluation of community structures by Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) in order to compare the two main physiognomies, and also two selected areas of “Terra Firme”. Thirty-seven species of bats, belonging to five families, were collected in the studied area during six campaigns from July to December 2005, although the cumulative species curves have not been asymptotic in any case. The Shannon-Wiener (H’) and Simpson (1-D) diversity indexes were of 1.86 and 0.69, respectively. The phyllostomid Carollia perspicillata exhibited the highest relative abundance of all species, comprising about 50% of the captures, but in a distinct way between plant physiognomies, since that rate was of 59% for “Terra Firme” and of 32% for “Igapó”. The finding of Neonycteris pusilla represents the second occurrence of this taxon recorded in the Pará State. Diversity estimates were higher for the Igapó (H’ = 1.91; [1- D] = 0.80) than for the “Terra Firme” (H’ = 1.71; [1-D] = 0.63), despite the small extension of the former environment (3.3% of the PEG area) and the higher species richness of the later environment. This profile may reflect the fact that almost the totality of bat captures in the studied region occurred during the driest months of the year, so that there would be preference of the species for places with greater water availability. Thus, it seems imperative to complement the inventory through samplings during the wet season, in order to formulate an accurate description of the PEG bat fauna. As already expected, a comparison between two “Terra Firme” areas subjected to distinct degradation pressures indicated greater bat fauna diversity in the less disturbed area. The importance of the PEG as a Conservation Unity may be attested by the local presence of vulnerable and near threatened species like N. pusilla and Tonatia carrikeri. Threats of anthropic interference on local ecosystems were detected mainly due to the proximity of the Park to rural-urban areas. Monitoring the species richness and ecological dynamics of bat fauna in the “Parque Ecológico de Gunma” can prevent local extinction of rare taxa, as well as avoid proliferation of those that are potentially harmful to human health in certain situations - as is the case of the vampire bat Desmodus rotundus, a potential reservoir of rabies vírus.