
Trabalho e modernização portuária: um estudo sobre os estivadores de Belém no estado do Pará

Sought, with this dissertation addresses the challenges for the dockers of Belém / PA before the restructuring. Place, so a first approximation of the mode of work organization, linking aspects and actions that affect labor relations, emphasizing the consequences of this process in the organization...

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Autor principal: FARIAS, Roselídia da Costa
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2013
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/4348
Sought, with this dissertation addresses the challenges for the dockers of Belém / PA before the restructuring. Place, so a first approximation of the mode of work organization, linking aspects and actions that affect labor relations, emphasizing the consequences of this process in the organization of productive and social worker, and this process requires a higher qualification prompting, for a hand, a versatility, and on the other, a further exploitation of the workforce which matches the port of unemployment and increasing social disparities. In this sense, the harbor area becomes a space of struggle for social policies for health, safety and care, enabling better working conditions. This study is divided into 05 (five) parts, 1) is the introduction, in which he seeks to show the interest of research, the rationale for the study of the object, which works in the problem itself, the general and specific objectives and the methodology used. 2) proposes to address the forms of organization, control and division of labor in capitalist society, taking as a starting point for the emergence of labor as a foundational category of human social behavior in which the man had a harmonious relationship with nature and symbolic to the degrading and exploratory work is set over the years, more deeply with the advent of the capitalist mode of production. 3) sought to understand the development of ports in Brazil, the Amazon and Pará, to understand the dynamics of capital accumulation which had the encouragement of international capital. 4) was given prominence to the study of Law No. 8630 of February 25, 1993 (Act Port Modernization), the main embodiment of this capitalist logic of modernization and restructuring that determines. the appearance of the Governing Body Hand-to-Work (OGMO ) as the principal administrator of the workforce of the temporary dock worker, seeking to provide "enhancements" and control port of the workforce. In order to understand the consequences of the restructuring process in the life of a longshoreman port of Belem in the state of Para 5) presents the final considerations of this research, as seen by analyzing the specific case of the Port of Belem, highlighting here the figure of the Worker temporary dock - TPA, more specifically the stevedore, that the capitalist world, takes on the role of mere adjunct. Even with the setbacks that this table shows, we intend to consider it the protagonist, the main figure in this process. In other words it can be affirmed that, even after the implementation of Port Modernization Act, with its conventions and agreements or collective bargaining agreement, which should establish new working relationships, the profile of the worker remains incompatible with the process, not attending to some extent to the design of desired efficiency and competitiveness, in the case of a deeply contradictory scenario while uncertain with regard to the workforce of the port.