
Organização e gestão dos núcleos de atendimento especializado da criança e do adolescente da Defensoria Pública do Pará

The Public Defense Office is one of theessential institutions to the judicial function of the state, constitutionallyin charge of ensuring accessto justice to the legally needy population, through legal orientation and judicial and extrajudicialdefensein all grades. In its institutional mission, it...

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Autor principal: BENTES, Nadia Maria
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2013
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/4481
The Public Defense Office is one of theessential institutions to the judicial function of the state, constitutionallyin charge of ensuring accessto justice to the legally needy population, through legal orientation and judicial and extrajudicialdefensein all grades. In its institutional mission, it has specializedandinternalized the attendance in the children and youth field, implementing the Specialized Core of Attendance of Children and Adolescents (NAECA‟s ) in the capital andanother twelvecitiesof Pará. Due to thelack ofscientific studies that demonstratetheoretical solutions and resolution practices for the Public Defenders Office‟s organizational problems, this dissertation aims to analyze the management and organizational structure of NAECA‟s of the state of Pará‟sPublic Defense Office, in order to guarantee quality ofservice andfull protectionof childrenand adolescents. The methodologyused was systematic with a multiple study of case and, toconsolidate the obtained results, was usedthe systematic observation of the researched institution, by conductingsemi-structured interviews and its content analysis, seekingadescription of the contentexpressedin the communicationthatwas performed. A robustconceptual framework was applied for the research‟s reasoning about the organizations, the power relationships and the public management, supportwhich enabled the confirmation of the formulated hypotheses in the research and the achieve of the proposed objectives, concluding that the research‟s questionwas affirmatively answered, since it was possible to visualize the functioningof the organizational structureand the management of NAECA‟s and its interrelation, as well ashowthis structurehas contributed for the assurance of the quality ofservice andfull protectionof childrenand adolescents. In the research‟s conclusions, wasnoticeable that, despite the work that is beingperformed, fact that was proved in the research andthe project rediscovering theassisted, much remains to be done and the institution still suffers fromdeficiencies such as the need ofhigher investments, especially in physical and staff infrastructure. With all thesechallenges, the institutionruns into theinertiaof the public power to densifythe constitutional precept of ensure accessto justice through an institution that guarantees the citizen‟s rights on an equal footingwith the state-judge and the state-accuser and also in the lack of investments to the strengthening of theinstitution that has been fighting to establish itself and guarantee access to a fair legal order to the population of our state.