
O enfrentamento ao trabalho escravo na Amazônia maranhense: uma análise da atuação do CDVDH/CB no município de Açailândia/MA

This dissertation has as study object the performance of the Center for Defense of Life and Human Rights Carmen Bascarán (CDVDH/CB) in fighting slave labor in the municipality of Açailândia / Ma . Its objectives are 1 To describe the creation of CDVDH/CB from the view of socio-economic dynamics of t...

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Autor principal: SILVA, Fabrícia Carvalho da
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2014
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/4627
This dissertation has as study object the performance of the Center for Defense of Life and Human Rights Carmen Bascarán (CDVDH/CB) in fighting slave labor in the municipality of Açailândia / Ma . Its objectives are 1 To describe the creation of CDVDH/CB from the view of socio-economic dynamics of the city of Açailândia located in Maranhão Amazon 2. To identify actions and projects performed by the organization for confronting slave labor. To achieve these objectives, this study, with investigative character, it used bibliographical research, documentary research and field research as methods. In the bibliographical research, emphasis was given to studies in work category and studies about socio-historical processes that have deepened human being degradation within the framework of capitalism, highlighting the presence of slave labor in contemporary times. Documentary research collected statistical data and documentation produced by institutions such as the Comissão Pastoral da Terra/CPT, "Open Eye Campaign for Non Became Slave" and News Agency Reporter Brazil, as well as, records of the own CDVDH/CB. In Fieldwork was used semi-structured individual interviews and open questions with members, servants and employees of the CDVDH/CB who work in actions and projects for confronting slave labor. At the end, are presented results which indicate the limits and possibilities of the performance of CDVDH/CB in fighting slave labor in the municipality of Açailândia / Ma.