
Estudo da migração internacional na Amazônia brasileira a partir da análise dos dados de espacialidade e seletividade dos censos de 2000 e 2010

International migration has become a topic of great importance on the world stage for both destination countries and for countries of origin. In the Amazon there is still some lack of interest in the issue. However, there are some specific jobs for each Amazon country on the subject. But the informa...

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Autor principal: LIRA, Jonatha Rodrigo de Oliveira
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2014
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/5003
International migration has become a topic of great importance on the world stage for both destination countries and for countries of origin. In the Amazon there is still some lack of interest in the issue. However, there are some specific jobs for each Amazon country on the subject. But the information dealing case studies without taking into account the analysis of the entire region. This happens among other reasons for the lack of a database on migration to Amazon. However demographic censuses become important analytical tools. Based on the Brazilian censuses of 2000 and 2010 that seeks to question the recent migratory dynamics in the Brazilian Amazon in order to proceed to a series of discussions on the changes of origin, spatial distribution and profile of new migrants. At first it creates a brief literature review on international migration, then discusses the history of international migration in the Brazilian Amazon, and after analyzing the data of the last two censuses Brazilians on international migration Secondly analyzes is the spatial distribution of migration of Brazilians returned the Brazilian Amazon aiming to make a comparison between the municipalities show this dynamic for both foreigners and for Brazilians. This spatialization portrays the historical process of urbanization and occupation of the Amazon and also the porosity of the border. As the migration profile shows signs of being a result of the economic growth of the exploitation of natural resources in the Amazon. However, given the complexity of the migration issue, it is necessary to integrate knowledge for the analysis of migration beyond the limits of classical paradigms.