
Demandas quando da perda de um ente querido: uma compreensão sobre o pedido de ajuda e o processo de luto

Mourning can be understood as an expected process of adaptation when a significant loss occurs. It consists of an unavoidable and continuous experience, taking into account the diversity of events which impose a cycle of rupture and reconstruction along the existence. However, the mourning of a belo...

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Autor principal: MOURA, Danielle do Socorro Castro
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2014
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/5139
Mourning can be understood as an expected process of adaptation when a significant loss occurs. It consists of an unavoidable and continuous experience, taking into account the diversity of events which impose a cycle of rupture and reconstruction along the existence. However, the mourning of a beloved one has been considered a potential agent to weaken health conditions and quality of life. Due to the importance of the theme, this research aims to understand the demands of individuals who experienced this kind of loss, considering specifically the “request of help” moment. The study, considering a qualitative investigation regarding the method of content analysis, was developed at a public hospital in the city of Belém, State of Pará, at the Psycological Emergence Service. Collaborators were five women who looked for the psychological service from May to August 2008. Collected data was based on interviews structured according to three basic questions: What has leaded you to look for this service? What were you looking for in this psychological support? How was your experience in this psychological atendment? Four categories were also highlighted: 1) Who has arrived? Socioeconomic profile of collaborators; 2) About the dead person and the mourning process; 3) The “request of help” act; 4) The experience of psychological service. Findings have suggested that the initial demand for the service can concentrate “requests of help” and permeate the collaborators personal movement to the attention and care related to their suffering due to the mourning, once it has corresponded to request of shelter; the death certification; the acceptance of the event and the reduction of the sense of responsibility or guilty feeling, within others. It was also highlighted the importance of offering psyciological support to the ones who are experiencing mourning process as a possibility for help in the sense of crying and expressing pain, death fear, as a possible way to face the loss of a beloved one.