
Áreas protegidas na Amazônia brasileira como instrumento de gestão ambiental: a situação do município de Oriximiná, estado do Pará

Creating intervention restricted environments from the expansion of human activities was the model used by industrialized countries to preserve remaining ecosystems of their development process. Brazil adopted this restrictive model through the creation of protected areas, among other instruments...

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Autor principal: FLORES, Maria do Socorro Almeida
Grau: Tese
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2017
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/7360
Creating intervention restricted environments from the expansion of human activities was the model used by industrialized countries to preserve remaining ecosystems of their development process. Brazil adopted this restrictive model through the creation of protected areas, among other instruments. This thesis examines the establishment of protected areas as an instrument of environmental policy in the brazilian Amazon to use as empirical observation units the protected areas in the Calha Norte region, in the State of Pará, which corresponds to a region with low human impact and, as an area located in the endemism guiana region, high concentration of biodiversity, as well as the presence of considerable sociobiodiversity (indigenous civilizations, Quilombola communities and traditional populations). This thesis examines this issue considering the possibility to visualize in environmental management the sustainability of the biodiversity maintaining, which includes respectively the physical basis, the nature resources and the cultural, religious and indigenous peoples ways of life, the Quilombola remaining communities and traditional populations in the region. The primary goal of this thesis is to show that the legal protection of biodiversity and socio-biodiversity is intrinsically related to the concept of bio-responsability, which is based on a set of factors such as legal, political, administrative and economic establish relationships between them to ensure environment sustainability not only as a passive legal good, but as a dynamic allocation process, contributing with the elements to construction of a new meaning for the biodiversity protection, which includes especially the sociobiodiversity by considering the protected areas as one of the instruments for this conceptualization.