
O trabalho do assistente social nos Centros de Atenção Psicossocial – CAPS’s do município de Belém/PA: contribuições para o tratamento da saúde mental dos usuários

This dissertation deals with the analysis of professional work of the social worker in Care Centers Psicossocial- CAPS's the city of Belém / PA and the contribution these professionals for the treatment of mental health of users. The research problem is summarized as follows question: What are the c...

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Autor principal: SILVA, Carolina Flexa da
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2017
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/7476
This dissertation deals with the analysis of professional work of the social worker in Care Centers Psicossocial- CAPS's the city of Belém / PA and the contribution these professionals for the treatment of mental health of users. The research problem is summarized as follows question: What are the contributions of professional work of the social worker developed in these CAPS's for the treatment of mental health of users? Responses to the problem were sought through a field research conducted in three (03) CAPS's, 02 (two) linked to the Municipal Health Secretariat of Belém / PA and one (01) the Secretary of State for Public Health, the Subjects were: three (03) Professional Social Work, 02 (two) users of services and 03 (three) professional members of the health team that includes social workers. As methodological procedure was performed a qualitative approach in the light of Marxist social theory. It had as a data collection instrument to interview semi-structured type that consisted of a pre-prepared script directed to the different research subjects. The data collected were subjected to content analysis, focusing on units of meaning and frequency of this communication issues in the subject, summarized in the explanatory themes of reality. The results of this study show the progress in the Brazilian health because Brazil is one of the few countries that has a universal health system, that is, extended to the entire population free of charge and funded by public funds. The Brazilian health policy continues to resist the maneuvers devised by big business and operated by the State of neoliberal. Even with the neoliberal offensive to work, there was the consolidation of the work of the social worker market in the area of mental health due to the need of a trader in substitutive services. As for the work of the social worker specifically, the survey results reveal that professional commitment to service users ensuring answers the demands brought by users and identified by the professional. It also concludes that the connection with the network services is timely in the daily work of social workers, as this action is responsible for the resoluteness of various demands, in addition to mental health treatment, influencing directly in improving the quality of life of users . It is understood the work of the social worker in the field of mental health, as a practice involving the activities and knowledge with other professionals, as well as appropriating other knowledge. Still, other professionals of CAPS's health team recognize the particularities of the professional work of the social worker and actions that contribute to mental health treatment of users made specifically for that professional. In the conception of users of CAPS's treatment in mental health has been secured, but denounce the difficulties experienced in mental health policy and other public policies involved in this context.