
A arte popular entre o real e o imaginário: o imaginário na xilogravura e no cordel de J. Borges

The folk art between reality and fantasy: the imaginary in the woodcut and string literature by J. Borges investigates Folk Art by studying the artwork of J. Borges and several views about this theme since the first half of the twentieth century. This research emphasizes the understanding and pos...

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Autor principal: GOMES, Paulo Henrique de Oliveira
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2017
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/8664
The folk art between reality and fantasy: the imaginary in the woodcut and string literature by J. Borges investigates Folk Art by studying the artwork of J. Borges and several views about this theme since the first half of the twentieth century. This research emphasizes the understanding and positioning of artists and scholars about the role of the art of brazilian people in the creation of a national and cultural identity, as well as the space of folk art in the art system, particularly the contributions of Mário de Andrade and Lina Bo Bardi and considerations of Gilbert Durand and Michel Maffesoli about this universe. Throughout this narrative is set a possible panorama of folk art and its evolution (or evolution of its study and debate) to locate the subject during the ancient history until the present times. Among this, this research presents the artist from Pernambuco J. Borges, recognized for his string literature and woodcut works. This research demonstrates how the artist is influenced by several issues and the way he transposes it to his work, transforming his artworks in a registration of everyday life, social and fantastic experiences. Bibliographic research with interviews, field and life observations build this job and form a basis - among many possibilities - where Brazilian folk art can be discussed.