
Efeitos da estimulação multissensorial e cognitiva sobre o declínio cognitivo senil agravado pelo ambiente empobrecido das instituições de longa permanência

The aim of the present report is to investigate possible impacts of cognitive and multisensory stimulation on the performances of institutionalized and community people in the mini-mental state examination (MMSE) and in language tests. Subjects were divided in two groups paired by years of school...

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Autor principal: OLIVEIRA, Thaís Cristina Galdino de
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2017
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/9277
The aim of the present report is to investigate possible impacts of cognitive and multisensory stimulation on the performances of institutionalized and community people in the mini-mental state examination (MMSE) and in language tests. Subjects were divided in two groups paired by years of school and age: 1) institutionalized (n = 25, 76.0 ± 6.9 years old) which inhabit in long-stay institutions and 2) non-institutionalized (n = 17, 74.2 ± 4.0 years old) which inhabit in the community with their families. MMSE was applied to select cognitively healthy volunteers which were subsequently submitted to the stimulation and neuropsychological and language assessments. MMSE and specific language tests, including Boston naming, semantic (VSF) and phonological (PSF) verbal fluencies, Montreal Communication Evaluation Battery (MAC) and the Boston cookie theft picture description task were done. The multisensory and cognitive intervention was applied in groups of 10 volunteers submitted to a series of stimulation sessions twice a week, over six months in a total of 48 sessions. Sessions were based on language and memory exercises, visual, olfactory and auditory stimulus, as well as ludic activities including music, sing and dance. Both groups were assessed at the beginning (before interventions), in the middle (after 24 sessions) and at the end (after 48 sessions) of intervention. As compared to the non-institutionalized (community) group, the institutionalized one showed lower performances in all tasks in all time windows. Each patient was compared with himself using a contrast index (C) that was designed to be able to express performances of all tests in a single (0 -1) scale of cognitive performances. The contrast index was estimated as follow: (C = (D – A) / (D + A), where D corresponds to the scores before stimulation and A after stimulation). All patients improve their performances after intervention and the impact was significantly higher in the institutionalized group. We suggest that the impoverished environment where institutionalized people live is contributing to the lower cognitive scores observed at the first assessment and by the higher impact of the stimulation program in this group. As compared to the classic MMSE neuropsychological test, language tests seem to be much significantly more sensitive to detect early changes in the cognitive status. Taken together the results may have implications for public health policies dedicated to the aged population.