
A arte de narrar: da constituição das estórias e dos saberes dos narradores da Amazônia paraense

Taking into account that the act of narrating presents a necessary meta-discoursive reflexion about what is being narrated and that narrative presents a patteming or a "schematism" responsible for maintaining the narrative paradigm order, this study describes how narrators from Brazilian Amazon r...

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Autor principal: BENTES, Anna Christina
Grau: Tese
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Estadual de Campinas 2018
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/9928
Taking into account that the act of narrating presents a necessary meta-discoursive reflexion about what is being narrated and that narrative presents a patteming or a "schematism" responsible for maintaining the narrative paradigm order, this study describes how narrators from Brazilian Amazon region configurate narrative tradition in two different ways. The first way called "folk-tale" is characterized considering the fact that narrators, when telling their stories, choose (i) to present frxed plots, which are commonshared, (ii) to construct a high degree of distance from what is being narrated, (iii) to necessarily present narrative structured in tenns of "conflict/resolutionn and {iv) to inscribe narrative sequences in a wondering discoursive domain. Narrators choose to configurate oral tradition in a way called "oral story" when they (i) do not present a frxed plot, reconstructing oral traditional narrativas in a personal way (ii) express their evaluations about what is been narrated, (iii) structure narrativa not necessarily in tenns of "conflict/resolution", but in a way that "resolution" category is not obrigatory, (iv) present the characters through a subjective perspectiva, showing their internai processes (feelings, thoughts etc.) and (v) inscribe the narrative sequences in other fictional domains. The narrativas analysed in this thesis were collected by a group of researchers from Universidade Federal do Pará and were published in three volumes. The analysis of thirty narrativas allows us to conclude that narrators can linguistically configurate narrative tradition in two ways: the first one, characterized by the fact that narrators privilege when telling their stories the dimensions of repetition and stability; the second one, characterized by the fact that narrators privilege when telling their stories the dimensions of difference and instability.