Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Graduação

Narrativas orais sobre as ações pedagógicas da professora Suely Maués na complementação escolar de cidadãos abaetetubenses (1980-2017)

The objective of the present work is to analyze the life story, the professional trajectory and the contributions of Professor Maués in the process of school completion of students with learning difficulties in the municipality of Abaetetuba-Pará, aiming To build records of the pedagogical actions s...

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Autor principal: COSTA, Juliana dos Santos da
Grau: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Graduação
Publicado em: 2019
Acesso em linha:
The objective of the present work is to analyze the life story, the professional trajectory and the contributions of Professor Maués in the process of school completion of students with learning difficulties in the municipality of Abaetetuba-Pará, aiming To build records of the pedagogical actions she applied in school reinforcement classes. For the development of this research, Oral history was used as a historical research methodology, having as main theoretical references Alberti (2004), Le Goff (1990) and Thompson (1992) that discuss the production and analysis of historical data to From oral narratives in the rescue of collective memory attributing their conceptions on a theoretical basis in the studies of Halbwachs (2006), Pollack (1992) Bosi (2003). The oral narratives about the school reinforcement of Professor Maués emphasize the approaches, teaching strategies and evaluation processes that sustained their pedagogical actions in the city of Abaetetuba and that gives it, until then, a reference in the art of Educating students who present learning difficulties in the formal school context. It is hoped, with this research, from the trajectory of teaching and records and analysis of the pedagogical interventions of teacher Suely Maués, (re)affirming it reference in the education of abaetetubenses citizens.