Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Especialização

Experiência vivenciada com aulas remotas de física na comunidade Tiradentes - Uruará/PA

Kinematics is the part of mechanics that studies movements without worrying about their origins, being useful to describe the movement of systems composed of independent parts that we can identify in our daily lives, such as: racing (car, tag and bags), soccer game and other games. The teaching to b...

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Autor principal: ALMEIDA, Luciene da Silva
Grau: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Especialização
Publicado em: 2022
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Kinematics is the part of mechanics that studies movements without worrying about their origins, being useful to describe the movement of systems composed of independent parts that we can identify in our daily lives, such as: racing (car, tag and bags), soccer game and other games. The teaching to be successful is necessary to use methods and techniques more adjusted to the students. In this sense, the main objective of this work is to identify ways to facilitate the teaching and learning of kinematics to students of the first year of high school in the field, the elaboration of physics experiments using low-cost materials will be proposed. Since the teaching materials will be made by the students. During the research, the Physics contents were taught through experiments with low-cost materials, thus making the classes more interesting and participatory, since this research took place in the period of pandemics, remote classes and great difficulties for teaching and learning, however the students were able to carry out group activities using digital tools. For greater efficiency, the integral development of the student is sought. The greatest mission of the educator is to prepare the new generations with mechanisms for the world in which they will live, so it is of paramount importance to develop active methodologies with the creativity of the student, so that the construction of knowledge occurs as a result of pedagogical strategies that result in the interaction with the other, allowing the awakening of the student to the new knowledge. This research is relevant for teaching physics, in the context of kinematics content, as it is part of the initial contents of the physics discipline.