Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Graduação

Diagnóstico e proposições para a atuação dos catadores da área de lixão de Tucuruí-PA

Dump areas are still a major problem to be fought in Brazil, especially in inland areas where this practice attracts people below the poverty line who see them as a source of income, putting their health at risk. While these areas are not deactivated, public policies should be encouraged and impleme...

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Autor principal: SOUSA, Nathália Macedo de
Grau: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Graduação
Publicado em: 2023
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Dump areas are still a major problem to be fought in Brazil, especially in inland areas where this practice attracts people below the poverty line who see them as a source of income, putting their health at risk. While these areas are not deactivated, public policies should be encouraged and implemented to alleviate this reality. The objective of this work was to diagnose, through the application of questionnaires to residents and collectors, the socioeconomic conditions of work in a landfill area in the municipality of Tucuruí-PA, and from that to propose local and economic improvements, within what regulates the laws. The results showed that 61.11% of the individuals residing in the area are men and 38.89% are women, aged between 0 and 70 years and with a level of education ranging from illiteracy to incomplete secondary education. The most frequent symptoms among them are: abdominal pain and swelling, diarrhea, burning eyes, malaise and skin problems. About 58% of the collectors reported having a high level of satisfaction in living in the dump area, in addition to not having a perception of the occupational risks they are exposed to. Most reported not using PPE and not doing their personal hygiene after collecting disposable materials. Regarding family income, respondents (100%) said they earn less than one minimum wage per month. Occupational hazards were presented to residents and collectors and also how they can apply environmental education in their workday. In addition, the formation of a cooperative was suggested, in which each worker would have a monthly income of BRL 5,040.00, based on an estimate of the amount of plastic that reaches the dump (12%), offering residents and collectors of life and work.