
Abordagem teórica e experimental para aplicação da luz como onda ou como partícula nas aulas de física 3 no ensino médio

This dissertation work contains theoretical and experimental approaches on the behavior of light as a wave or as a particle. The development and application took place at Our Lady Rosary School in person, year 2022 in the month of March, during the times of post-COVID19 pandemic. Despite the diffi...

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Autor principal: Tavares, Paulo
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Brasil 2023
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ifam.edu.br/jspui/handle/4321/1334
This dissertation work contains theoretical and experimental approaches on the behavior of light as a wave or as a particle. The development and application took place at Our Lady Rosary School in person, year 2022 in the month of March, during the times of post-COVID19 pandemic. Despite the difficulties regarding the release of classrooms, due to the pandemic outbreaks, it was possible to successfully complete the project in a class of the 3rd year of high school with only 25 students. Also, for this reason, some extensions and adjustments have been made in the course of product development and application, as since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, schools have been affected in various ways. Overall, the pandemic has had a significant impact on schools, thus making it difficult to apply this work that has as implementation the application of a workshop as an educational product, where students set up an electronic circuit. For these reasons we will have, in the images and in the links of the videos during the application of this work, students and teachers wearing masks for the possible prevention against the virus. With all this care it was possible to apply the activities successfully in the post-pandemic moments following the hygiene protocols. In this work, to approach light as a wave or as a particle, two experimental proposals were constructed in which they were divided into two moments during the application: in the first we built an automatic door in which we will use a sensor that emits and receives infrared waves where it was activated using a code embedded in the Arduin. The other experimental proposal is a workshop where an electronic circuit was assembled, in which it will address the application of the photoelectric effect, and in this circuit we have as main focus the electronic component LDR1, because it is in it that the photoelectric effect occurs. With these two approaches the teacher will be able to explain and apply in an experimental way in the classroom in his physics classes of the 3rd year of high school in the context of the behavior of light as a wave or as a corpuscle. In addition, the use of information technologies gives us necessary tools for teaching physics such as simulators and digital platforms such as the Arduino. The use of simulators, Phet1 for example, are seen more often in the classroom in order to make classes more motivating and participatory. In addition to the demonstrations, this project also aims to understand and apply physics in everyday life and the use and manipulation of electronic components, such as capacitors, resistors, diodes and among others. According to protocols, even in the post-pandemic moment, all components have been sterilized to prevent COVID-19 infections. These applications and adaptations in the methodology together with the tools that this work has, are based on the theory of significant learning of David Ausubel where we associate the practical application with the insertion of digital technologies. The tests and sequential approaches in this work were efficient and feasible, and may be an option for the teaching of modern physics regarding the behavior of light as a wave or as a particle.