
DT na publicidade: uma proposta de ensino-aprendizagem para o desenvolvimento de projetos publicitários com Design Thinking: guia didático para professores

In this work, we report the adoption of Desing Thinking (DT) in Education, contextualized in the real context of the classroom, with a teaching-learning proposal that integrates DT into the development of advertising projects, considering as public target undergraduate students in Marketing and Adve...

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Autor principal: Souza, Amarinildo Osório de
Outros Autores: Mendonça, Andréa Pereira
Grau: Outro
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Brasil 2019
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ifam.edu.br/jspui/handle/4321/299
In this work, we report the adoption of Desing Thinking (DT) in Education, contextualized in the real context of the classroom, with a teaching-learning proposal that integrates DT into the development of advertising projects, considering as public target undergraduate students in Marketing and Advertising. The proposal and the materials that integrate it were organized in the format of a Didactic Guide for undergraduate professors in Marketing and Advertising. The objective of this material is to gather and make available the materials and resources for the application of the proposal in the classroom, as well as to provide a set of orientations, from the perspective of the teacher and the student, enabling the replication and generation of other related experiences in their respective teaching contexts. The Guide includes the detailing of the teaching-learning proposal, with teaching and teaching planning, as well as other didactic resources: learning guides (to guide the face-to-face and autonomous study), advertising projects (guidelines and examples of how they can be organized ) and rubrics (used as evaluation tools). The material was organized in three main units: the first one, with a theoretical foundation on DT, including the discussion of some initial concepts, presentation of phases, values and tools characteristic of this approach; the second comprises the detailing and resources of the teaching-learning proposal, with a set of guidelines for teachers and students on how to conduct the application; the third and final unit is the detailing of four (04) advertising projects developed through Design Thinking, based on a practical experience that we carried out during a Master dissertation work. We believe that the Guide can help teachers in the area to replicate the experience through the materials and resources available and, in addition, the construction course, the theoretical foundation and the experiences described can serve as a guide to compose other proposals aimed at teaching Marketing and Advertising and related areas.