
Futebol para a vida: o gol de placa é esse

Physical Education, due to its historical milestones between 1964 and 1985, had for a long time been a purely sportivist treatise. Added to this, the conception of many in being considered the discipline of leisure and fun generated a distorted perception of its purpose and contribution within the s...

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Autor principal: Marinho, Josiane Moraes
Outros Autores: Silva, Cirlande Cabral da
Grau: Outro
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Brasil 2019
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ifam.edu.br/jspui/handle/4321/325
Physical Education, due to its historical milestones between 1964 and 1985, had for a long time been a purely sportivist treatise. Added to this, the conception of many in being considered the discipline of leisure and fun generated a distorted perception of its purpose and contribution within the school environment. Sport as a cultural phenomenon and postcard of the discipline is part of this distorted vision and, therefore, needs to be resignified. Thus, the educational product proposal aims to develop a board game, through soccer, with students from the Integrated Technical Course to High School, aiming at the Integral Human Formation of the students involved game was created, which gives students the knowledge of relevant themes based on the principles of Integral Human Formation. The educational product consists of discussing three themes, racism, machismo and homophobia in football in a playful, critical and reflective way. The intention of this proposal is to bring an opportunity of teaching and learning of Physical Education through new looks and methodologies for sports content. The proposal is presented in 4 moments of great importance for it to take effect. Firstly, a contextualization is made about the importance of games as a resource in teaching and learning; then we discuss about the importance of Physical Education for Integral Human Formation, later we describe about soccer and we make a brief contextualization under the themes that are approached in the game and finally we present the description and the operation of the same. We conclude with considerations about the possibilities in other disciplines with other subjects in order to contribute to the entire Professional and Technological Education network.