
Formação técnica e humana integral: percepção dos egressos do curso de Agropecuária do IFAM Campus Maués

The documentar “Integral, Technical human education: perception of gradutes of the Ifam Campus Maués agriculture course” is an educational related to the research “The Ifam campus Maués integrated agriculture course and Integral human training: challenges and perspectives of a campus from the interi...

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Autor principal: Oliveira, Felipe Nagoberto Coimbra de
Outros Autores: Stefanuto, Vanderlei Antonio
Grau: Outro
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Brasil 2020
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ifam.edu.br/jspui/handle/4321/379
The documentar “Integral, Technical human education: perception of gradutes of the Ifam Campus Maués agriculture course” is an educational related to the research “The Ifam campus Maués integrated agriculture course and Integral human training: challenges and perspectives of a campus from the interior of the state of Amazonas” developed in the Master’s Program in Professional and Technical Education - ProfEPT. This proposal aims to offer graduates of the IFAM/CMA integrated technical course the opportunity to express their perceptions about the training process they received during the time they were students of the institution. The proposal presents theoretical guidelines; the history of the city, the campus Maués and the Integrated Technical Course in Agriculture; planning and production of the Documentary; the voices of the graduates with their perceptions. It is expected that the documentar can provoque reflections and debates – among students, teachers and education professionals – about the profiles of the individuals who are and will be formed by the educacional institutions.