
Estudo das feições erosivas lineares na sede do Município de Pacaraima, RR

The municipality of Pacaraima is located in the extreme north of Roraima, in the homonymous ridge, presenting morphologically tabular relief with great predominance of tables with flat tops. Its escarpments are limited, with extensive ravine pediments and the topography usually coincides with the ge...

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Autor principal: Melo, Marta Clementina Silva de
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal de Roraima 2019
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufrr.br:8080/jspui/handle/prefix/153
The municipality of Pacaraima is located in the extreme north of Roraima, in the homonymous ridge, presenting morphologically tabular relief with great predominance of tables with flat tops. Its escarpments are limited, with extensive ravine pediments and the topography usually coincides with the geological structure, where most erosive processes are installed. . This research aimed to understand the processes generating linear erosive features at the host of the municipality of Pacaraima-RR, based on the analysis of the conditioning factors. Four gullies were selected, in three soil analyzes were performed from deformed and undisturbed samples collected on the walls of the incisions. The soil samples collected were analyzed for granulometry, mineralogy, soil density, particle density, total porosity, moisture, organic matter and soil pH, following the procedures described in EMBRAPA and IAC. Morphometric measurements were made regarding depth, width and length, beyond the identification of erosive microfeatures present inside the gullies. After the analysis in the field and laboratory it was observed that the emergence and evolution of the gullies are subordinated to a set of factors that are interrelated beginning with the abundant rains and concentrated during three months in the region, that when they reach the ground they find it unprotected due to The incipient vegetation, this favors the superficial flow through the steep slopes of the place, allied to these factors are the fragile soils, formed basically by saprolite material, coming from the volcanic rocks of the Surumu Group, composed basically of quartz, potassic feldspar, kaolinite and muscovite, Represented by a silty material. The sand fraction presents angular and subangular morphology. The Microfeatures found weaken the thalweg and slope of the erosive channels accelerating the advance of the erosive process. The results obtained allow to affirm that all the conditioning factors analyzed act mutually, sometimes one stands out to the others for the emergence and evolution of the linear erosive processes at the host of the municipality of Pacaraima.