
Lei Maria da Penha e sua aplicabilidade na Delegacia Especializada de Atendimento à Mulher de Boa Vista (RR)

The thematic of violence against women has become increasingly relevant worldwide and as well as reflective in Brazil due to the emergence of an agenda of the feminist movements, the signing of international agreements and the growth of different types of violence against women and feminicides which...

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Autor principal: Senhoras, Cândida Alzira Bentes de Magalhães
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal de Roraima 2021
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufrr.br:8080/jspui/handle/prefix/410
The thematic of violence against women has become increasingly relevant worldwide and as well as reflective in Brazil due to the emergence of an agenda of the feminist movements, the signing of international agreements and the growth of different types of violence against women and feminicides which decisively influenced the emergence of different policymaking agendas including the , importance of Federal Law 11.340 / 2006, known as Maria da Penha Law, created in order to enforce ways to control domestic and family violence against women. Taking for granted the Maria da Penha Law and its theme of coping domestic and family violence against women, the objective of this dissertation was to analyze the application and effectiveness of this legal framework in the periodization of a decade from 2006 up to 2016, focusing on a case study at the Specialized Policy Station of Women Assistance (DEAM) in the municipality of Boa Vista, capital of Roraima which negatively has stood out as the country's most dangerous and violent state in Brazil with the greatest number of femicides in relation to the total of the population. The methodological procedures of this research have been characterized by its exploratory, descriptive and explanatory nature regarding to the ends and by a quali-quantitative nature according its purposes. Developed by a deductive historical-theoretical-legal method this research has started with a data collection through an integrative, bibliographic and documentary review as well as a case study on DEAM, moving forward with a data analysis based on the use of the instruments of legal hermeneutics, content analysis, and graphical and geospatial analysis which all have materialized a triangulation analysis based on the dialogue of the state of the art (first dimension), empirical data review (second dimension), and, conjuncture analysis (third dimension). The results of this research have shown that the Maria da Penha Law gave rise to a rapid construction of a scientific field of research composed by more than 10,000 professionals as long as Federal Law 11.340/2016 became a prominent legal framework in the country despite permeated by legistic problems of content excluding from the coping against gender violence the social construction of gender by the LGBT+ community and also focusing mostly on the Judiciary. The application of the Maria da Penha Law has also been identified as relative and with problems of effectiveness in Boa Vista by DEAM and by all the disarticulated state network of women assistance to the victims of violence. It has been concluded from the results presented in this dissertation that after a decade from the emergence of the Maria da Penha Law, domestic and family violence against women in Boa Vista increased due to the specific sociocultural problems; the relative or a la carte application of the law in the municipality related to the absence of integration in the state network of women assistance to the victims of violence; and, the systematic institutional difficulties in the DEAM, focus of this study, that does not respond adequately to the needs of the victims, presents political-structural problems typical of the public service of Roraima, as well as material and staff shortages.