
Fenologia e biologia floral de espécies do sub-bosque em uma floresta tropical úmida na região de Manaus / AM - Brasil

The present work describes the reproductive phenology of an understory communiy species and the floral biology and pollination of six species. This study was carried out in a continuous forest at the Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project from November/2003 to October/2004. Flowering and fr...

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Autor principal: Santos, Otilene dos Anjos
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia - INPA 2020
Acesso em linha: https://repositorio.inpa.gov.br/handle/1/12718
The present work describes the reproductive phenology of an understory communiy species and the floral biology and pollination of six species. This study was carried out in a continuous forest at the Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project from November/2003 to October/2004. Flowering and fruiting were recorded monthly in four transects amounting to 1ha. Six species were selected for more detailed studies in floral morphology and biology, pollination and reproductive success experiments: Cordia nodosa, Psychotria spectabilis, Palicourea sp. Rinorea pubiflora, Rinorea macrocarpa and Ryania pyrifera. Eighty-one species, distributed among 26 families were found flowering and/or fruiting during the study period. Rubiaceae was the most represented family followed by Araceae and Piperaceae. Eight species presented annual, six sub-annual, and two continuous flowering patterns. When flowering and fruiting times of species were correlated with rainfall distribution, the largest number of flowering individuals occurred during the season with the least rainfall, while fructification presented the largest number of individuals during the heaviest rainfall. Treelets flowered and fruited during the dry season. Shrubs and palms flowered and fruited without any relation to rainfall. Herb species Heliconia acuminata and Ischnosiphon martianus, flowered and fruited during the wet-season, while Ichnanthus panicoides and Ichnanthus sp did so in the dry season. Regarding the case studies Psychotria spectabilis and Palicourea sp. Whitc have tubular, odorless flowers, offered nectar as a reward and was pollinated by hummingbirds. The former presented heterostyly of distylic type and the latter homostylic flowers, which show to be a rare case of the genus characterized by heterostylous species. In Psychotria spectabilis, there was a difference on the rate of formed fruit among the floral morphs, with was higher in short-styled flowers. Cordia nodosa flowers presented diurnal anthesis and put forth a very soft sweet odor. Offered nectar and pollen as a reward and was pollinated by butterflies. Its flowers presented polymorphism on the stylus length with difference on the rate of formed fruit among the floral morphs, with was higher in long-styled flowers. Ryania pyrifera presented polymorphism on the stylar length in the same individual and only the long-styled flowers formed fruits. Its flowers presented diurnal anthesis, put forth a very soft sweet odor the diurnal anthesis and was pollinated by honeybees. Rinorea pubiflora and Rinorea macrocarpa flowers which have diurnal anthesis put forth a sweet odor and are pollinated by noneybees and offered pollen and nectar as a reward. Of these six, pre-emergent reproductive success (PERS) was low although they had presented a high reproductive potential.