
Morfo-anatomia de sementes e órgãos vegetativos em três estádios de desenvolvimento de Bauhinia monandra Kurz (Leguminosae-Caesalpinioideae) como contribuição ao estudo farmacognóstico de plantas na região amazônica

Bauhinia monandra Kurz, is popularly known as "pata-de-vaca", it is very used in the Amazonian as phitoterapic, due the hypoglycemic action. It was made the morphanatomical description and quantification of the active beginning (phlavonoids) of the seed and vegetative organs in three developing st...

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Autor principal: Borges, Fernanda Ilkiu
Grau: Tese
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia - INPA 2020
Acesso em linha: https://repositorio.inpa.gov.br/handle/1/12842
Bauhinia monandra Kurz, is popularly known as "pata-de-vaca", it is very used in the Amazonian as phitoterapic, due the hypoglycemic action. It was made the morphanatomical description and quantification of the active beginning (phlavonoids) of the seed and vegetative organs in three developing steps, looking for apprenticeships the contribution to the taxonomy and as integral part of the studies pharmacognostics of plants of the Amazonian area with medicinal interest. Initial material used for propagation was collected in the Germoplasma Bank of EMBRAPA-CPATU. In the whole material, was maked histological cuts for making permanent and semi-permanent sheets; tests histoquimics for identification of alkaloids, tannins, calcium oxalate, aleurone grains and starch; and evaluation ofthe content of phlavonoids,expressed in percentage by gram ofdry matter. The seed is obcampilotropous, estenospermic, exotestal with two extracts differentiated of the epidermis, albuminous with endosperm well developed. It has axial embryo constituted by two cotyledons and embryonic axis containing rudimentary plume and imperceptible radicle. It presents hilum V-shaped in the apical area. The content phlavonoids was 0,35%.The plants in juvenile apprenticeship differ ofthe plantules for the increase in the amount oftrichoma in the stem, peciole and leaflimbo, mainly on the ribs; it almost circular forms ofthe stem, with beginning of lenticels formation; and ramification more complex root system. B. monandra is an small tree with tap-root root system, with cylindrical stem and bilobed leaves, with cordate base, palmate veining and amphistomatic. The morph-anatomical characteristics ofthe adult plant are already present in the young plants. In the young plants leaves show high content of phlavonoids, 1,44%,and the adult roots show smallest concentration,0,05%.