
Cinderela surda: um estudo sobre a coesão textual em escrita de sinais - signwriting

This research aims at analyzing the work Cinderela Surda (Deaf Cinderella) in Sign Writing (using Sign Writing system) (HESSEL; KARNOPP; ROSA, 2003), in terms of cohesion. Specifically, we identify the strategies to refence the characters in the text and the connection among relevant parts of the na...

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Autor principal: Costa, Gésica Suellen Sobrinho
Grau: Tese
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina 2019
Acesso em linha: http://hdl.handle.net/11612/1055
This research aims at analyzing the work Cinderela Surda (Deaf Cinderella) in Sign Writing (using Sign Writing system) (HESSEL; KARNOPP; ROSA, 2003), in terms of cohesion. Specifically, we identify the strategies to refence the characters in the text and the connection among relevant parts of the narrative. For the theoretical assumptions, we base our discussion on Koch and Travaglia (2001), Fávero (2002) and Marcuschi (2008), who discuss cohesion and coherence; Bolgueroni and Viotti (2013), who discuss nominal reference in Brazilian Sign Language; and Nobre (2011) and Barreto and Barreto (2013), who discuss text composition in Sign Writing. Parting from the analysis of the work, we observe that the reiteration of referents happens through: (i)proforms, in pronouns, adverband numbers; (i) ellipsis, in simple verbs and agreement verbs; (iii) conjunctions, for example, the sings BUT, and BECAUSE; and (iv) reintegration. We identify the relevance of the signs FRIGHT and HAPPEN, as important elements to introduce relevant moments in the plot, and the absence of signs which denote temporal sequentiality. The segmentation and sequentiality of some parts of the work happen mainly in the use of images (extratextual elements). This work is important because it enables greater knowledge on textual composition in Sign Writing, regarding cohesion in Sign Writing, which is expanding nowadays in Brazil.