
A história da Matemática e ludicidade como proposta didática para o ensino da Matemática

This dissertation analyzes the conditions of approximation between history of mathematics and playfulness as a method of learning. Mathematics education has proved to be a challenge today. Therefore, the main objective of this research is to discuss the means by which, to improve the learning of m...

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Autor principal: Borges, Claudiany Narciso
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Tocantins 2019
Acesso em linha: http://hdl.handle.net/11612/1067
This dissertation analyzes the conditions of approximation between history of mathematics and playfulness as a method of learning. Mathematics education has proved to be a challenge today. Therefore, the main objective of this research is to discuss the means by which, to improve the learning of mathematical concepts, the use of history and playfulness are related to the potential of learning perspectives. Methodologically, this study makes use of the qualitative, bibliographical research. Among the main reflections highlighted are: mendes (2006; 2003); (2013), Anjos Filho (2017), Freitas (2017) in addition to the classic Boyer (1974) and Eves (2004), as well as the documents National Curriculum Parameters – Mathematics and the National Curricular Common Base. From these and other texts analyzed, it is observed that within the classroom, only presenting concepts without proper historical contextualization, has no effect. Thus, history along with playfulness presents itself as extremely important fields for Mathematics, especially with regard to its teaching for elementary school students. The four chapters of this paper articulate to show precisely this possibility in favor of students’ cognition. Finally, it should be pointed out how Mathematics, as a cultural production, shows itself as an interdisciplinary field requiring, as it were, new practices for new forms of student action and thinking.