
Ensino de História e mulher negra: um olhar interseccional sobre as percepções de estudantes em Conceição do Araguaia-PA

This work presents the results and reflections around a training teaching History of ethnicracial and gender relations. The purpose is researching the perceptions and experiences of students of an eighth grade class about the discrimination and oppression systems that structure the historical cond...

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Autor principal: Souza, Andreia Costa
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Tocantins 2020
Acesso em linha: http://hdl.handle.net/11612/2200
This work presents the results and reflections around a training teaching History of ethnicracial and gender relations. The purpose is researching the perceptions and experiences of students of an eighth grade class about the discrimination and oppression systems that structure the historical condition of black women. The research carried out in a municipal public school from Conceição do Araguaia, which is a municipality located in the South region of Para State. This study was founded in the analytical perspective of intersectionality, a theoretical-methodological parameter that belongs to the black feminist framework and the contributions of decolonial thought. One of the focus of this study is the participation of five black students that took part of the selected class to the referred training. The general objective was to analyze the potentialities and the knowledge resulted from the formative process in ethnic-racial and gender relations that was conducted by the intersectional perspective and having as orientation the voices of the black students. The chosen action research is a purpose of collective participation made by a group of students looking for a better comprehension of themes discussed in formation workshops and the practical problems that I identified in History classes. I learned during the research and, at the moment of narrating the formation trajectory. Consequently, it meant narrating a teaching-learning process, pointing out what I maybe taught, but also, how much I learned. To decolonize knowings already established and/or promote awareness, to explicit the complexity of subordination mechanisms respecting the knowings of the students is a worthwhile process. The challenge of decolonize and make black the History teaching is a torturous but possible path. As part of the results of this research, it was produced a spelling book with the sequence of techniques and instruments used to construct the methodology employed.