
Ações de políticas públicas para o atendimento dos direitos dos velhos em tempos de pandemia de coronavírus (Covid-19) em Palmas, Tocantins

This dissertation study had the general objective of verifying public policy actions to guarantee compliance with the elderly rights, in times of Covid-19 pandemic, in the Municipality of Palmas, TO. This is a qualitative theoretical study, with a phenomenological approach. The chosen methodology...

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Autor principal: Silva, Anderson Carvalho da
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Tocantins 2021
Acesso em linha: http://hdl.handle.net/11612/2249
This dissertation study had the general objective of verifying public policy actions to guarantee compliance with the elderly rights, in times of Covid-19 pandemic, in the Municipality of Palmas, TO. This is a qualitative theoretical study, with a phenomenological approach. The chosen methodology was the documentary study. The theoretical framework of the study seeks to outline public policies for the care of the elderly, during the COVID-19 pandemic focusing on Palmas, Tocantins, we also use the CAPES / MEC journals portal. Four specific objectives have been proposed. The first objective was to identify public policies and their respective actions to attend to the rights of the elderly in Palmas- TO in times of Covid-19 pandemic. The second, to verify the actions developed by the Municipality of Palmas, in relation to the fulfillment of the rights of the elderly, especially in times of pandemic of COVID-19. The third, to identify the effects of public policy actions in the scope of social assistance in the Municipality of Palmas’ during the period of the corona virus pandemic (Covid-19). And the fourth, present the actions of the UMAnizando Project, developed by the University of Maturity. In order to meet the objectives of the study, we take as a reference the use of the following documents: Inter-American Convention on the Protection of the Human Rights of the Elderly (IACHRP); 1988 Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil (CRFB); Law 10,741 of 2003, known as the statute for the elderly; Law No. 8,842 of 1994, which implements the National Policy for the Elderly (PNI); Municipal law No. 1,888 of 2012, which deals with the municipal policy of care and support for the elderly, in the municipality of Palmas, TO. Concomitant with the authors that deal with human aging, the discussions about the actions that the Municipal Health and Social Assistance Department, and the University of Maturity carry out and their social and educational assistance. In general, care in the municipality of Palmas still leaves something to be desired, with regard to specific care for the elderly, whether in health or social assistance, we still have a lot to progress. The University of Maturity, which is an extension project of the Federal University of Tocantins, has carried out its public and social policy actions focused on the elderly. Since UMA offers and promotes education and social actions that add quality of life to the elderly. The work done by UMA transcends of educational, drops all the walls of impossibilities and makes the elderly be an event study of valuation of citizenship action, prestigious. Currently, it develops educational meetings online.