
Política pública de tempo escolar ampliado e educação integral: por um currículo integrado e integrador

This present paper analyzes the public policy of full - time schools (FTS) in the city of Palmas - TO, currently expanding widely in Brazil, present in the agendas of most public managers. This public policy is designed to correct deep social and intellectual inequalities and, in particular, t...

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Autor principal: Grimm, Euzeni Pedroso
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Tocantins 2021
Acesso em linha: http://hdl.handle.net/11612/2378
This present paper analyzes the public policy of full - time schools (FTS) in the city of Palmas - TO, currently expanding widely in Brazil, present in the agendas of most public managers. This public policy is designed to correct deep social and intellectual inequalities and, in particular, to ensure more dignity for citizens through access to the various extracurricular activities that are essential to integral formation. The FTS was implemented in the Palmas - TO municipal school system from 2007. This new educational reality brought innovations and adherents, especially among students and families benefited by the extended time proposal. However, the school community, especially teachers and other actors directly involved in working with students, in the FTS, had their work and life routines impacted, without being properly prepared to meet the necessary changes. From this perspective, the study analyzes the main advances and challenges present in the county policy of full-time schools, aiming to show ways to elaborate tools that can boost the development of the modality and improvement of the educational practice towards integral education. Adopted the qualitative approach and procedures of documentary and field research, applying the Focus Group (FG) technique. As main results, , the transformations that occurred in both schools and the challenges related to the understanding of the concept of full time school and full education were explained. Challenges to be overcome were also identified regarding the adequacy of the infrastructure and problems related to the increase in working hours. Also was identified the need for continuous training of the professionals that work in full time school, and especially, the need for a suitable curriculum for the modality and that integrates developed activities in the regular shift of classes and during the nighttime. Therefore, at the end of this study, a contribution to the county Management is presented, as a proposal action plan to boost the development and improvement of this public policy.