
Uma proposta para o ensino da retórica na E. E. Ensino Médio Profa. Elza M. Corrêa Dantas - São Domingos do Araguaia/PA - 4ª Ure-Marabá-Seduc/PA

This dissertation addresses the possibility of teaching rhetoric according to the view of sophists in high school, investigating whether it is present in the textbooks of the Philosophy discipline, in order to make it possible to work with it, systematically, or not, in classroom. Rhetoric is...

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Autor principal: Sousa, Valdo Rosário
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Tocantins 2021
Acesso em linha: http://hdl.handle.net/11612/2695
This dissertation addresses the possibility of teaching rhetoric according to the view of sophists in high school, investigating whether it is present in the textbooks of the Philosophy discipline, in order to make it possible to work with it, systematically, or not, in classroom. Rhetoric is not just a means of not privileging objectivism and the volume of content involved in school curricula; but also a pedagogical-philosophical methodology based on rational principles, taking into account the differences between students and teachers who influence the ability to persuade through sophisticated rhetoric. Philosophy is a knowledge that always comes back to you, including construction and always updating in the face of new challenges, without forgetting the past. Therefore, a philosophy has as its essence the doubt, the questioning, the mistrust of any knowledge, therefore, it will always be in search of causes of uncertainties, certainties, false and true. Not qualified to reach an absolute truth, but to guarantee authenticity and our ideas. In these circumstances, the text discusses the origin of the concept of rhetoric in Ancient Greece, with the sophists and an element among them - Socrates, Plato and Aristotle - and how it has taken up rhetoric over time in other philosophers. Make a correlation with a history of philosophy teaching in Brazil and its challenges; establishment of a history from the teaching of the Jesuits in the XVI century, going through the Imperial period, Old Republic; an attempt to democratize basic education with Minister Gustavo Capanema, with educator Anísio Teixeira, Paulo Freire and others. The setbacks in teaching philosophy from the 1972 LDB; the resurgence of philosophy teaching at the 1996 LDB; the obligation to teach philosophy in 2008; and now, the challenges of the philosophy discipline at New BNCC. A research consisted of this theoretical analysis with a didactic intervention in two classes of the 3rd year of high school in a public school.