
A universidade da maturidade: o reflexo das práticas sociopedagógicas desenvolvidas em Araguaína - TO

In Brazil, life expectancy that exceeds 72 years at birth, more than doubled from the beginning of the 21st century. From 1991 to 2000, the Brazilian population over 60 years increased two and a half times (35%) more than the young population, which grew (14%), which shows the evolution of agi...

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Autor principal: Flores Sobrinho, Marcelo Henrique de Jesus
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Tocantins 2021
Acesso em linha: http://hdl.handle.net/11612/2787
In Brazil, life expectancy that exceeds 72 years at birth, more than doubled from the beginning of the 21st century. From 1991 to 2000, the Brazilian population over 60 years increased two and a half times (35%) more than the young population, which grew (14%), which shows the evolution of aging in Brazil. Population aging deserves the attention of Education and other areas (Social Work), Civil Society and the State, in order to guarantee citizenship, political and social rights, a dignified, healthy and active aging for the mature. However, a large part of society occurs, a denial of old age and citizenship of the elderly in the country. Education is a fundamental strategy to enhance the social role of the mature. In this perspective, this dissertation aimed to verify in the socio-pedagogical practices of the University of Maturity in Araguaína (TO), how the rights of the elderly and the promotion of public policies for human aging are developed. The research was carried out in a qualitative / quantitative investigation, based on the dialectical method, consisting of two interconnected phases, the first, bibliographic, documentary, descriptive, of an exploratory character, which subsidized the second part consisting of field research carried out through case study, observation notebook, socioeconomic questionnaire, semi-structured interviews, sample and photographic records, being carried out with two groups: with Coordinators / Teachers and Academics from the University of Maturity (UMA), a course implemented by the Federal University of Tocantins. For the theoretical contribution, authors were used: Almeida, Arroyo, Amaro, Aslan, Beauvoir, Brandão, Demo, Faleiros, Freire, Goldenberg, Kalache, Leme, Lopes, Mercadante, Miranda, Morin, Neto, Osório, Paz, Ribeiro, Santos and others, in addition to showing the Laws that deal with citizenship of the elderly. In the analysis of the data of this research, it was presented as the main result, primarily referring to Teachers, where it was highlighted that UMA's socio educational actions transform people's lives and signal for a “Social and Citizen Education”, liberating and emancipatory, in the sense of a practice of “Humanistic Training” legitimizing the Statute of the Elderly and the National Policy for the Elderly. Academics in general, in a qualitative / quantitative way, evaluated UMA and its socio educational work positively and having a strong feeling of love and gratitude for the institution's “Tecnogerontológica” action, which is portrayed as a “reference” of public policy and seen as a family, as a “medicine” that removes them from isolation, loneliness, depression, providing peace, tranquility, happiness, knowledge, legitimacy of citizenship and empowerment, educating them for active aging in the city, in addition to the perception of others possible discoveries. This study is expected to contribute to the transformation of the reality in which UMA participants are inserted, as well as to the organization of the social movement of the mature in Araguaína, Tocantins and Brazil, for active / dignified aging and strengthening of Public Policies on Human Aging, in addition to providing training for critical citizens and the role of the elderly in the process of managing and guaranteeing their rights through “Lifelong Education”.