
Estudo de viabilidade técnica para implantação de rede condominial nas quadras sem atendimento com coleta de esgotos no bairro Aureny IV em Palmas - TO

The themes of public health and basic sanitation have a great relationship with each other, as one depends on the development of the other so that they are able to meet all the needs of the society in which it is inserted. It is well known that the reality of Brazil in relation to basic sanita...

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Autor principal: Nogueira, Lucas Sousa
Grau: Monografia
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Tocantins 2021
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The themes of public health and basic sanitation have a great relationship with each other, as one depends on the development of the other so that they are able to meet all the needs of the society in which it is inserted. It is well known that the reality of Brazil in relation to basic sanitation, especially sanitary sewage, is unsatisfactory, as according to SNIS data, only 52.36% of the Brazilian population has access to conventional sewage collection, revealing the need for universal sanitation, so the objective of the present work is to carry out a technical feasibility analysis for the implementation of the condominium sewage system in blocks not served by the conventional system in the Aureny IV neighborhood in Palmas - TO. The methodology developed was based on the identification of the necessary points of execution and future operation of the system with the local population itself, the point of interconnection of the existing system to the one proposed, identification of the residences that present the negative threshold and development and development of the basic project layout of the condominium system. It was identified that the necessary houses in the study area have a negative threshold, so the layout of the condominium network was elaborated inside the lots, respecting all the technical characteristics of the project, such as the conformation of the land and depth, as well as the best interconnection points that were obtained. are in visiting wells 67-B and 30-A. However, there are certain technical storms such as difficulty in implementing the network due to the infeasibility of heavy machinery traffic and the study site is already fully populated. It is concluded that a condominium network is feasible to serve the population of the present work, however it emphasizes the importance of the Granting Authority, the Water and Sewage Concessionaire and the local population in relation to the execution of the network and operation of the system so that one of the objectives of sanitation in Brazil is fulfilled, which is its universalization.