
O gênero conto: uma proposta de abordagem da construção do sentido do texto para o 9º ano do ensino fundamental

In this dissertation, we present a theoretical-methodological incursion anchored in our Master's research, developed within the scope of the Professional Master's in Modern Languages (Profletras). We have as general objective: dimensioning and elaborating a didactic sequence of textual genres...

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Autor principal: Silva, Alice Xavier da
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Tocantins 2021
Acesso em linha: http://hdl.handle.net/11612/2923
In this dissertation, we present a theoretical-methodological incursion anchored in our Master's research, developed within the scope of the Professional Master's in Modern Languages (Profletras). We have as general objective: dimensioning and elaborating a didactic sequence of textual genres in which the students are led to construct meanings in and through the text (short stories), using the criteria of textuality linked to their social function in the processes of reading and textual production. In order to achieve the proposed objective, we developed a didactic sequence centered on the processes of reading, writing and linguistic analysis based on the short story textual genre. The sequence is in accordance with the circumscribed guidelines in the “PCN” - Curriculum Parameters for Portuguese Language of the third and fourth cycle (1998) and in the “BNCC” - National Common Curricular Base. As a theoretical framework, we joined studies on textual genres from the perspective of Marcuschi (2008), following Bakhtin (2016), Koch (2011, 2018), Koch and Elias (2018), Koch and Travaglia (2011). Relating to the short story genre, in regard to the structural characteristics, types and language use, we refer to the theories of Faria (2010), Oliveira (2008), Cosson (2018). Based on the theoretical framework presented, we use action research as a work methodology so that it can contribute to our own practice and to the ones of teachers who need to absorb this proposal in their pedagogical work. We elaborated the didactic sequence following the theory of Dolz, Noverraz and Schneuwly (2004) to contribute in the process of construction of the meaning of the text through the process of reading, writing and linguistic analysis and its social function, in the production proposal of short stories by 9th graders of an elementary school in the Imperatriz city, in the Maranhão state. Our methodology consists of the didactic sequence that follows all the steps outlined by the authors since the presentation of the initial situation, when the class has its first contact with the textual genre and its discursive practices, aimed to produce the first literary short story. The sequence also contemplates the three modules: the first one contemplated the thematic content, and its social relevance, the second proposes a study on the compositional elements of the short stories and its importance in the global plan of the text. And finally, there is a proposal for students to produce another story, putting into practice the knowledge and / or learning acquired throughout the process.