O gênero história em quadrinhos como recurso metodológico para análise das práticas e representações de letramento de educandos da educação do campo

The thesis presents an analysis of the practices a nd representations of academic literacy based on the didactic transposition of the Comi cs genre in the Rura l Educati on degree : Codes and Languages Arts and Music Licenciatura em Educação do Campo: Códigos e Linguagens Artes e Música ) at the...

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Autor principal: Santos, Milena dos
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: 2022
Acesso em linha: http://hdl.handle.net/11612/4358
The thesis presents an analysis of the practices a nd representations of academic literacy based on the didactic transposition of the Comi cs genre in the Rura l Educati on degree : Codes and Languages Arts and Music Licenciatura em Educação do Campo: Códigos e Linguagens Artes e Música ) at the Federal Un iv ersity of Tocantins (UFT), campus Tocantinópolis. This research conceives Comics as a discursive genre an d teachin g object. The analysis focuses on the didactic, thematic and visual aspects of the Comics and is based on literacy theories, grounded in the f ield of Applied Linguistics, which is a social science of language studies of interdi sciplinary nature (M OITA LOPE S, 2006). The research works with social actors from peasant communities and the target genre of the production is characterized as multisem io tic, permeated with verbal and non verbal language, giving the collaborators the poss ibility of going bey ond the l imits of writing. The data of the study consists of texts from 15 examples of the Comics genre and excerpts (transcribed) from 14 interviews c onducted with the research collaborators. The methodology employed is participant research (BRANDÃO, 1998), si nce there was a direct interaction between researcher and collaborators; the researcher also attended classes and performed all activities of th e subject along with the collaborators. The thesis is qualitative interpretative in nature (FLICK, 2009 ) and bas ed on the content analysis technique (BARDIN, 2016). The data were generated through the optional subject "Comics", offered in the 6th period of the mentioned degree, aimed at people from the countryside, being the collaborator s indigenous, peasan ts, quilo mbolos etc. Because the Comics genre has a blending of different language systems, including non verbal and textual language, it was possible t o identify traces of literacy that students have in their life experiences. The res earch collaborators come from different communities in rural Brazil, so they presented diverse and peculiar practices and representations of academic literacy. The thesis br ings significant results to the area of Language Studies, showing that the Comics g enre can be a pedago gical ins trument within the university space; corroborating its role not only as a data collection tool, but also as a teaching material. From their vi su al and linguistic signs, Comics can help researchers interpret the reality of those who produced it, se rving as a source of research for various themes.