
Produção animal em sistema agrossilvipastoril

The agrosilvopastoral system (SASP) is the integration between different production systems, with agricultural, forestry and animal species, these different systems can be in intercropping, rotation or succession, so that the integrated components interact with each other, enabling greater divers...

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Autor principal: Barros, Laiza Leão
Grau: Monografia
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Tocantins 2023
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The agrosilvopastoral system (SASP) is the integration between different production systems, with agricultural, forestry and animal species, these different systems can be in intercropping, rotation or succession, so that the integrated components interact with each other, enabling greater diversity of products and increasing land use in a sustainable way, constituting a planned agroforestry practice, resulting in benefits from the biological interactions between its components. This production model makes use of the principles of agroecology, enhancing the creation of culturally sensitive, socially fair and economically viable agroecosystems, through traditional and scientific knowledge. Our objective is to identify the possibility of using the SASP in small and medium-sized rural properties in the northern region of Tocantins, with the aim of diversifying animal production, in addition to adding different activities, such as agriculture, fruit trees, wood production and production of burlap. For this we made a bibliographical survey with researches that are close to our work. Thus, raising the data that the agrosilvipasstoril system can enable the conservation and recycling of soil nutrients, production diversity, in addition to providing the preservation of ecosystems, thus increasing biodiversity, thus contributing to the health of the environment.