
Oficinas pedagógicas em Libras: aquisição da aprendizagem de maneira lúdica

The Brazilian Sign Language (LIBRAS) seems to be a little known manifestation by non- deaf subjects who relate in the classroom. This, in turn, reflects the little emphasis on teaching materials that address this peculiarity. The main objective of this research is to propose the creation and impl...

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Autor principal: Dias, Francisca Edivania Gadelha
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Tocantins 2023
Acesso em linha: http://hdl.handle.net/11612/5202
The Brazilian Sign Language (LIBRAS) seems to be a little known manifestation by non- deaf subjects who relate in the classroom. This, in turn, reflects the little emphasis on teaching materials that address this peculiarity. The main objective of this research is to propose the creation and implementation of pedagogical workshops on didacticsof teaching for the deaf with the internal and external community (public schools, higher education institution, Association of Parents and Friends of Exceptional Children, House of Culture) in the city of Gurupi, state of Tocantins. The research followed a qualitative approach, of the exploratory type. The form of analysis followed the Content Analysis perspective. The locus of the research was the Municipal School Antônio de Almeida Veras, the Secretary of Culture - Secult, the Association of Parents and Friends of Exceptional Children - APAE, and the University of Gurupi - UNIRG, all in the municipality of Gurupi-TO. In these environments we conducted pedagogical workshops focused on the acquisition of learning, knowledge and pedagogical practice in Libras. The participants of the study were students of basic education and undergraduate students, teachers and administrative staff of UNIRG, and also the external community. We used in data collection two semi-structured questionnaires, applied to participants in workshops on practical and didactic issues in the context of deaf education, with the use of Libras as the first language L1 and Portuguese as the second language L2. To complement the data collection, 8 workshops were executed, dealing with theoretical, practical and didactic issues in Libras in education for the deaf. Therefore, the executed activities were based, punctually, on the development of meetings in workshop format, with subsequent feedback from those involved in the intervention. We chose as final product thepedagogical workshops focused on the knowledge about the acquisition and teaching of sign language (Libras). We noticed during the workshops that teachers find it difficult to be trained in Libras, precisely because of the lack of teacher trainingcourses and similar actions that work with this theme. The difficulties reported and faced by teachers during the workshops were evident in the lack of knowledge and mastery of Libras, and putting it into practice in the teaching-learning process during classes, in addition to the lack of appropriate materials in Libras to work with students.