
Um olhar analítico sobre a reforma do ensino de Filosofia a partir da Base Nacional Comum Curricular e do documento curricular do estado do Tocantins

The work presented here portrays an analytical look at the Philosophy Teaching Reform from the National Common Curricular Base and the Curricular Document of the State of Tocantins. It is worth noting that in Brazil the discipline of Philosophy is seen as somewhat unstable, being the subject of d...

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Autor principal: Gonçalves , Eduardo Ribeiro
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Tocantins 2023
Acesso em linha: http://hdl.handle.net/11612/5387
The work presented here portrays an analytical look at the Philosophy Teaching Reform from the National Common Curricular Base and the Curricular Document of the State of Tocantins. It is worth noting that in Brazil the discipline of Philosophy is seen as somewhat unstable, being the subject of discussion and study. From the implementation of the Law of Guidelines and Base of National Education in 1996 (LDB, Law Nº 9.394/96), the creation and implementation of a National Common Curricular Base (BNCC, 2018) was already proclaimed, which would direct the school curricula in the public and private networks of Early Childhood Education, Elementary and High School, throughout Brazil. With the aim of improving students' learning, studies were implemented, leaving it up to the states to execute their curriculum documents. The state of Tocantins built its Curriculum Document (DCT/TO), high school stage, and in December 2021 it won its approval. The creation of the New Secondary School - Law Project No. 13.415/17, of February 16, 2017, allowed the student to be the protagonist, experiencing learning situations, experiences that reflect their development. When carrying out this analysis on the teaching of Philosophy in the face of changes, we can see that the reform moves the Philosophy component to a somewhat less important place. There was a combination of components in the area of knowledge, which is linked to the components of History, Geography and Sociology, forming the area of Applied Human and Social Sciences. To emphasize its importance and recognize that Philosophy establishes a reciprocal relationship between knowledge and cooperates transversally with the other components, we have as an annex, the text “Cidadania”, by Eric Weil, which will point out how the student can gain his knowledge about being a citizen and how you will put this into your daily practice. This work is a research with a qualitative approach, of a basic nature, regarding its objectives it is descriptive and bibliographic procedure. It is considered that this will serve as support for the student's protagonism, improving their potential.