
Desempenho Reprodutivo de Novilhas Sob Protocolo ou Não de Indução de Puberdade, em Dois Rebanhos da Região Norte do Estado do Tocantins.

This report describes the activities developed during a supervised mandatory curricular internship, carried out from March to May 2020, under the supervision of the MV. Gibson Insfran da Silva. The activities were developed in rural properties belonging to the municipalities of Araguaína-TO, Bras...

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Autor principal: Fernandes, José Carlos Barbosa
Grau: Relatório
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Tocantins 2023
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This report describes the activities developed during a supervised mandatory curricular internship, carried out from March to May 2020, under the supervision of the MV. Gibson Insfran da Silva. The activities were developed in rural properties belonging to the municipalities of Araguaína-TO, Brasilândia-TO, Colinas do Tocantins-TO, Jacilândia - TO, and Barra do Ouro - TO, and were provided in the area of bovine reproduction. The main activities developed were implantation of programs Fixed-time artificial insemination (FTAI), induction of puberty in heifers, diagnosis of pregnancy by ultrasound, or rectal palpation. The internship spanned the period from 16/03/2020 to 29/05/2020, with a total workload of 416 hours. Also as part of this report, an analysis was carried out on two farms on the reproductive performance of heifers, whether submitted or not to the puberty induction process. The results showed that this practice suffers great variation in response, being dependent on numerous factors and that the properties that choose such a practice must establish well-defined criteria so that the objectives are achieved and the results satisfactory and economically viable. The mandatory supervised internship is an extremely important activity for the development of skills, competences, and ethical and professional responsibility of the veterinary medicine student.