
Avaliação na educação infantil em tempos de ensino remoto: um olhar para os eixos interações e brincadeiras

This research is concerned with the act of evaluating in Basic Education, especially in Early Childhood Education, which is the first stage of education where the child begins his school trajectory. The main objective of the work was to analyze how teachers implemented the guiding axes interactio...

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Autor principal: Maia, Sthéfanny Lourranny Silva
Grau: Monografia
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Tocantins 2023
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This research is concerned with the act of evaluating in Basic Education, especially in Early Childhood Education, which is the first stage of education where the child begins his school trajectory. The main objective of the work was to analyze how teachers implemented the guiding axes interactions and games, remotely or in a hybrid way during the COVID-19 Pandemic. In this context, a question arose about evaluation in Early Childhood Education in the time of Covid-19: What are the effects of adopting the remote or hybrid format for teaching monitoring of the interactions and games axes, considering what the National Curriculum Guidelines for Education have Childish? Methodologically, this monograph was built from bibliographical and documentary readings, followed by a questionnaire analysis work. Understanding the evaluation as a diagnosis that points the way to inclusion. The purpose was to detect difficulties to support and not to exclude. The results showed that teaching in remote or hybrid mode did not meet what the guidelines propose. Greater adequacy and technological instrumentalization of teaching work is needed, for remote or hybrid teaching that effectively incorporates the expected results, but it is certain that teachers, family, children and managers, sought to do what was possible in the face of existing conditions and are much more prepared than before the pandemic.