Diversidade sexual e equidade de gênero na perspectiva escolar: documento curricular e práticas discursivas

Gender equity, sexual identities and diversity are emerging themes within the scope of Applied Linguistics/LA fields of study and poles of intense discussions to address the importance of respect and mechanisms to combat prejudice. And the school is the appropriate place to form people aware of t...

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Autor principal: Farias, Keylla Cristina Arruda
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: 2023
Acesso em linha: http://hdl.handle.net/11612/6169
Gender equity, sexual identities and diversity are emerging themes within the scope of Applied Linguistics/LA fields of study and poles of intense discussions to address the importance of respect and mechanisms to combat prejudice. And the school is the appropriate place to form people aware of this problem. Therefore, the objective of the research was to analyze in which context the curricular proposal of municipal and state schools in Tocantins, Brazil, includes or excludes themes about identity guidelines, including sexual diversity and secular injustices about gender. As a methodological subsidy, I used documentary bibliographical research (FIGUEIREDO, 2007) and OLIVEIRA, 2007). After data collection, the issues raised from the bibliographical research were analyzed with discussions based on authors and laws that regulate the studied area. The research is characterized in a qualitative perspective, involving an exploratory investigation, seeking to deepen the knowledge about the educational guidance. The analysis focused on carrying out an approach in the historical context and the possible debates on sexual diversity and gender equality and I verified which advances and setbacks - in its pendulum movement - that goes from the New School movement, passing through the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948, until the fifth article of the Federal Constitution and its effective creation of a system with molds of universal, public and secular education. And in this perspective, I introduced the guidelines, the curricular documents and the pedagogical discursive practices, in the school scope, with the research directed towards the National Curricular Parameters (PCN), the National Curricular Guidelines (DCN), the National Education Plan (PNE), and the new National Common Curriculum Base for Early Childhood Education and Elementary Education (BNCC). Another highly prioritized focus in my dissertation is related to the discursive perspectives on gender and sexuality in public schools and what these topics reverberated in the ultraconservative political context in Tocantins.