
Desafios e experiências do Pibid de letras em uma Escola Estadual em Porto Nacional- TO.

The work reports the experience of a group of PIBID fellows (Institutional Program of Scholarships for Initiation to Teaching), at Colégio Estadual Doutor Pedro Ludovico Teixeira. The institution has a history of working with PIBID in other areas, thus facilitating interdisciplinarity, promoting...

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Autor principal: NASCIMENTO, Tatiane da Silva Nascimento
Grau: Artigo
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Tocantins 2023
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The work reports the experience of a group of PIBID fellows (Institutional Program of Scholarships for Initiation to Teaching), at Colégio Estadual Doutor Pedro Ludovico Teixeira. The institution has a history of working with PIBID in other areas, thus facilitating interdisciplinarity, promoting the involvement of several school professionals. Based on the regulatory documents of basic education in Brazil (LDBN, 2017; PCNs, 1998; BNCC, 2017), the work with discourse genres was carried out through didactic sequences (DOLZ; NOVERRAZ2 SCHNEUWLY, 2004) with the contribution of multiliteracies pedagogy (COPE; KALANTZIS, 2000; ROJO, 2012). The project was relevant to the training of academics in the Teaching Graduation in Portuguese and English Languages at the Federal University of Tocantins, Porto Nacional, by promoting the practice of teaching for the professional qualification of future teachers by challenging them to apply theories and develop strategies for teaching the language early. The results show that PIBID allows undergraduates practical learning, based on the diversity of applied activities, reflections on the importance of language and the use of skills and abilities to stimulate reading and writing competencies of students in elementary schools based on orality and on their prior knowledge.