
Trabalho e saúde: um desafio para a gestão de pessoas da Universidade Federal do Tocantins

The context of constant transformations on the complex organizational environments require new forms of management, more flexible and participatory structures. The universities face difficulties that the main traditional organizing principles do not solve. In this plot, it is emphasized the impor...

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Autor principal: Mesquita, Tássia Reury da Piedade
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Tocantins 2015
Acesso em linha: http://hdl.handle.net/11612/69
The context of constant transformations on the complex organizational environments require new forms of management, more flexible and participatory structures. The universities face difficulties that the main traditional organizing principles do not solve. In this plot, it is emphasized the importance of having a consolidated human resources management policy in these institutions, in order to establish a humanized organizational structure committed in promoting the health of servers. This research seeks to answer how is developed people management policy of the Federal University of Tocantins (UFT) in relation to health promotion actions of its employees. Specifically, sought to analyze how the Personnel Management from UFT puts into practice the promotion of health of your servers. Monitor the process of creating the Pro-Rectory of Personnel Management and Development to make a better management of issues relating to the health of your servers; and study the policies of people management, that are already well succeeded in others Brazilian federal universities, with a focus on actions aimed at promoting the health of servers. It is a study of case from the type observational exploratory, primarily qualitative. Participated two population groups: one compound of eight servers from the UFT involved with the creation of the Pro-Rectory of Personnel Management and Development, and the other made with six Pro-Rectories of Personnel Management of Brazilian Federal Universities. It were used three instruments to collect data: field diary, semi-structured interview and questionnaire with Likert scale. For the qualitative data it was made a categorical thematic content analysis and for the quantitative data it was used the method of descriptive statistics. The research results indicate that the people management policies developed in UFT are still precarious in healthcare, needing expansion and improvements. How the UFT currently develops the health promotion from its servers and it was realized that is through SIASS and isolated actions also have been noticed, which have yet to be institutionalized and consolidated at the university. Regarding the process of creating the Pro-Rectory of the UFT People Management and Development, through the monitoring carried out it was possible to see the obstacles and contradictions that occurred in the process, but also the release of the Pro-Rectory, and the expectation about the improvements in the health of its servers. Furthermore, in the end of this research was possible to conclude that the oriented personnel management policies to promote the health of servers applied in the surveyed Brazilian Federal Universities are not different from those practiced in the UFT. This institution only puts on spot the problem that the SIASS has been facing throughout national level and how important was to create a Pro-Rectory of Personnel Management as well as plan and promote the health policies for the servers of those institutions.