
Caracterização de resíduos de construção civil na cidade de Palmas–TO

Most of the waste generated by the construction are liable to reuse, and considering its continuous generation, recycling is essential in the process of return of this waste as raw materials replacing the extraction of new materials and resources. The objective of this study was to characterize t...

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Autor principal: Silva, Juarez Pereira da
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Tocantins 2015
Acesso em linha: http://hdl.handle.net/11612/88
Most of the waste generated by the construction are liable to reuse, and considering its continuous generation, recycling is essential in the process of return of this waste as raw materials replacing the extraction of new materials and resources. The objective of this study was to characterize the construction Waste (CW) in the city of Palmas-TO. The method used for characterization of the CW consisted of five steps: conducting interviews, selection of potential areas using the Google Earth software, selecting the field areas, gravity waste composition analysis and analysis of granulometry of aggregates. Have been identified through Google Earth software, 166 sites scattered throughout the urban area and the access roads, with a total of 54.2494 hectares. Through interviews were identified fourteen disposal areas of waste, controlled by City Government. To make the gravimetric and particle size composition analysis, were selected three areas through on-site visits and considering waste characteristics, consisting of Association of collectors, degraded areas cause superficial lavement of land fill waste and leveling of area. Gravimetric composition presented aggregates with more concentration, followed of concrete and ceramic reminds with 67.95%, 20.06% and 4.40%, respectively. The granulometry of the highest aggregates showed minimum mass of 2.26g and 2.86g, to 4.8mm and 37.5 mm openings sieves, and maximum retained mass of 18.08g, and 7.42g to open 75mm opening sieve, for dry and rainy laps, respectively. While the particle size study of fine aggregates showed minimum mass of 10.29g and 11.86g, to 1.20mm opening sieves and maximum retained mass of 33.43g and 36.11g, to 0.30mm opening sieve for dry and rainy seasons, respectively. The presence of the municipal public power in the control and monitoring of materials in landfills of CW, presents itself as one of the main actions of the local government for the management of this waste, in preventing and reducing the high rate of solid waste contamination to enter this system, besides contributing to the increase of the useful life of landfills of CW Palmas-TO city. In addition, according to the study, the CW in the city of Palmas-TO, proved with high contamination rate in the composition by pellets, concrete components gravimetric and ceramics, respectively.