A formação do leitor literário: um olhar sobre a Escola Municipal Léia Raquel Dias Mota

In this research, we understand the storytelling in the classroom as a transdisciplinary possibility for the teaching of literature in the formation of the literary reader. In order to do so, the general objective was: To experience storytelling in the classroom as well as in how this result can con...

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Autor principal: Melian, Valdivina Telia Rosa de
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: 2018
Acesso em linha: http://hdl.handle.net/11612/921
In this research, we understand the storytelling in the classroom as a transdisciplinary possibility for the teaching of literature in the formation of the literary reader. In order to do so, the general objective was: To experience storytelling in the classroom as well as in how this result can contribute to the practice of literary literacy. The specific objectives were: 1) To practice the teaching of literature through workshops with oral narratives, so that storytelling could become a link in the formation of the literary reader. 2) To experience literary literacy through reading workshops; 3) To develop a taste for the reading of children's and juvenile’s literature and also cordel literature, with recitation of the “mysterious peacock” booklet; 4) To know the practice of literary literacy that permeates the teaching professional at the Léia Raquel Dias Mota Municipal School. It is an action research and a case study, carried out in a school of the municipal grid, in the city of Araguaína/TO. These choices are justified because we believe that action-research given its configuration of a participatory manner would represent a viable path for the achievement of our workshops; And the case study because it is an experiment focused on a delimited space and time. We primarily carried out a bibliographical review for us to search for an approach and a theoretical foundation in relation to our theme with the focus on literacy, literary literacy, the link between literature teaching through storytelling as a transdisciplinary possibility. Thus, the literary literacy was accomplished through storytelling workshops to the students of the 4th year of elementary school in the Léia Raquel Dias Mota Municipal School, in the city of Araguaína, Tocantins. For this study, in terms of literary literacy, we used as theoretical framework the contributions of Street (1984), Street (2014), Soares (2014), Kleiman (1995) and Cosson (2014). About the formation of a literary reader, we used the studies of Cramer (2001), Freire (2001), Maia (2007), Antunes (2007), Solé (1998), Lerner (2002) and Coelho (2000), among others. To discuss interdisciplinarity we refered to Japiassu (2006) and Sommerman (2006) among others; On transdisciplinarity we sought contribution in Santos (2009), Morin (2007), D'ambrosio (1997), and Ferreira (2007). In relation to storytelling, we sought to guide ourselves by the theorists Ariès (2012), Burke (1992), Benjamin (1987), Coelho (1989), Bakhtin (2014), Riter (2009), Lajolo & Zilberman (2007), Galhardo 2012), Simonsen (1987), Barnett (2005), Busatto (2013), Parra (2015), Oliveira (2008), Bettelheim (2002) and others. As for action-research, we have the notes of Thiollent (2011), Pimenta and Ghedin (2012), Gil (2014), Demo (2011), Rampazzo (2009). The results of the research revealed that the pedagogical practice in the transdisciplinary view, having the storytelling in the classroom as a methodological proposal, represents a possibility of literary literacy practice in the perspective of the formation of the literary reader.