Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Graduação

Relatório: memórias da cobertura jornalística na tragédia com o barco novo Amapá documentário: morte nas águas. tristes memórias de um 6 de janeiro. tragédia com o barco novo Amapá

This written work reports the elaboration process of a documentary, ratified as the product of an experimental project for the conclusion of the course Journalism course at Unifap, about the journalistic coverage of the tragedy of the Novo Amapá, which happened on January 6, 1981. The documentary...

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Autor principal: VIANA, Wanderson Luiz Tavares
Grau: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Graduação
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Amapá 2022
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This written work reports the elaboration process of a documentary, ratified as the product of an experimental project for the conclusion of the course Journalism course at Unifap, about the journalistic coverage of the tragedy of the Novo Amapá, which happened on January 6, 1981. The documentary relates, through the the memories of journalists, survivors and soldiers, the backstage of the journalistic coverage the tragedy at the time by Rádio Nacional, TV Amapá, and the printed newspapers of Macapá and even newspapers in Macapá and even in Brazil. This event victimized hundreds of people on the Cajari River Cajari River, on the border between the Amapa municipality of Laranjal do Jarí and the Para municipality of Monte Dourado. municipality of Monte Dourado. The work of the journalists was of extreme importance to inform Brazil and especially the Amapaense community about the dimension of the tragedy, which until the arrival of the journalists was still unknown.