
Educação Integral em Tempo Integral na Escola no Campo em Santarém-Pará: o caso da Escola Irmã Dorothy Mae Stang

Full-time and full-time education is an issue that has taken center stage in educational policy in recent years. Therefore, this study had as central problem: What is the concept of integral and full-time education that permeates the Pedagogical Political Project of the Sister Dorothy Mae Stang fiel...

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Autor principal: PEREIRA, Maria Aparecida dos Santos
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará 2021
Acesso em linha: https://repositorio.ufopa.edu.br/jspui/handle/123456789/262
Full-time and full-time education is an issue that has taken center stage in educational policy in recent years. Therefore, this study had as central problem: What is the concept of integral and full-time education that permeates the Pedagogical Political Project of the Sister Dorothy Mae Stang field school? The general objective was to identify the concept of Integral and Integral Education present in its Political and Pedagogical Project and in the actions developed by the school. As a study methodology, a qualitative approach was used, which involved bibliographic research, in which studies were carried out on thematic and documentary analysis, whose main document was the Political Pedagogical Project, as well as teaching legislation, both at federal, state and municipal. The results indicate that in the state of Pará and in the municipality of Santarém, the main full-time policy developed in the period from 2012 to 2017 was the More Education Program. The Municipality of Santarém started in 2012 the development of a full-time municipal policy, creating two schools as a pilot experience of full-time integral education, one in the urban zone and another in the rural area, the latter being the rural school Sister Dorothy Mae Stang, object of this study. The Pedagogical Political Project proposes to work the formation of rural man within the perspective of integral education. The main challenge of the school is to ensure that the turnover of teachers at each end of the year and that teachers do not stay full-time at school does not detract from the activities provided for in their Political Pedagogical Project.