
O lugar da biblioteca na escola de tempo integral em Santarém/PA

This study contextualizes the recent changes occurring in the Brazilian public school with the proposal of the federal Government of integral education and the implementation of the full time school, initially tracing a comparative between Brazilian public policies and the actions of some European c...

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Autor principal: PEREIRA, Raimundo Solano Lira
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará 2021
Acesso em linha: https://repositorio.ufopa.edu.br/jspui/handle/123456789/309
This study contextualizes the recent changes occurring in the Brazilian public school with the proposal of the federal Government of integral education and the implementation of the full time school, initially tracing a comparative between Brazilian public policies and the actions of some European countries on this issue (MAURÍCIO, 2014). It is discussed how the library of a full-time school could better serve the user who attends it as an educational resource (DURBAN ROCA, 2012), favoring integral education, taking as theoretical discussion the omnilateral formation. The concept of a school library and its current situation is taken, establishing a counterpoint between the pertinent legislation, the policies of the Municipal Department of Education of Santarém/PA on the school library and the specific situation of a library of a full-time school, comprising, in this way, Brazil, the Amazon, the county of Santarém/PA and the school selected for the research. For this, we used the empirical study, observing how the public policies are articulated with the library and what concrete actions to direct the implementation of these policies in the proposed program for the school library. The qualitative research (FLICK, 2009), descriptive and exploratory (GIL, 2008), is adopted, with the general objective of analyzing the library of a full-time municipal school in Santarém/PA in the set of actions foreseen in the policies that induce integral education; and specific: (1) identify the activities developed in this library, considering the perspective of full-time education; (2) record possible changes/modifications or readjustments of the space allocated to the library of the full-time school studied; (3) describe how occurs the articulation between the full-time school and the library, considering the differentiated requirements of time and space for the execution of the activities; (4) record the perception of teachers, students, librarian and manager over the school library. The research reveals a significant distance between library legislation, the prediction established in the municipal and school documents analyzed and the concrete reality of the library studied, thus requiring more effective actions by the Municipal Education Department so that space works as an effective educational resource which broadens the learning opportunities sought by the dominant proposal of integral education and the extension of the school day, also having a meaning for the users and greater involvement in the actions of the school.