
Educação do campo no Amazonas: história e diálogos com as territorialidades das águas, das terras e das florestas

The construction of the Field Education History has roots in the social movements of struggle for the land, that is articulated to the struggles for the water and forests. The education of rural people was marked by assistancialism and by the denial of cultural, social and environmental diversity, w...

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Autor principal: VASCONCELOS, Maria Eliane de Oliveira
Grau: Tese
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2019
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/10913
The construction of the Field Education History has roots in the social movements of struggle for the land, that is articulated to the struggles for the water and forests. The education of rural people was marked by assistancialism and by the denial of cultural, social and environmental diversity, while historically, strategies of resistance were built to face this reality of exclusion. In the 1980s, 1990s and the beginning of the 21st century there were articulations of different social movements and popular organizations in the struggles for education. As a result, legislation was approved to include Field Education in the agenda of Brazilian public policy. However, the effectiveness of this policy depends on the mobilization of the collective subjects of the field in each state or municipality. This study analyzed the construction of the Field Education History in the Amazon from the experiences of participation of collective subjects of the field in dialogue with the socio-cultural diversity of the rural peoples and from the territorialities of territories of water, lands and forests, in the period of 1980 to 2015. The investigative path based on a dialogical perspective and historical perspective, with the use of oral sources, through thematic oral history methodology and documentary sources, which were collected from February to October 2016, and in May 2017. We used data triangulation, which allowed the analysis of these through the dialogue between oral sources, documentary sources and the theoretical perspective. The construction of the Field Education History in the Amazon is articulated with the trajectory of social movements and popular organizations of the 1980s and 1990s, such as the MEB/AM, the Ribeirinho do Amazonas Movement, GRANAV and NEPE/UFAM, which acted in the area of popular education and problematized the reality of the education of the rural people and the questions concerning the territories of water, lands and forests; problems that are also highlighted by other collective subjects of the beginning of the 21st century. Influenced by the historical context of extensive mobilizations and debates around the Field Education at the national level, different collective subjects from Amazonas such as: INCRA/PRONERA/AM, UFAM, UEA, IFAM, CPT/AM, FETAGRI/AM, Boa Vista do Ramos and SEMED/Manaus, mobilize for the Field Education in Amazonas, demonstrating that this Education is under construction, in debate, in movement. And as a result of this construction, we defend the thesis that the History of Field Education in the Amazon dialogues with the territorialities of water, lands and forests, and with the diversity of the world of work, articulated to the protagonism of collective subjects of the field that has been deepening the debate on Field Education in the Amazon.