
Laboratório de etnomatemática da Amazônia Tocantina

When it comes to Teaching Mathematics in riverside spaces located in the city of Igarapé- Mirí-PA, it is faced with numerous difficulties that imply students' performance, for example: the lack of adequate didactic materials and motivating themes; the restricted access of students, due to lack of mo...

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Autor principal: VILHENA, Daniela Gonçalves
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2021
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/13344
When it comes to Teaching Mathematics in riverside spaces located in the city of Igarapé- Mirí-PA, it is faced with numerous difficulties that imply students' performance, for example: the lack of adequate didactic materials and motivating themes; the restricted access of students, due to lack of mobility and the distances between their homes and the school, in addition to the precarious conditions of these spaces. With regard to didactic resources, the main instrument used by teachers, in their teaching practice, is still the textbook. We understand, then, that the elaboration and use of concrete and manipulable materials, adequate to the students' learning needs are important alternatives to riverside schools, since they can be easily related to the experiences of these students. With this in mind, this dissertation aims to create an Ethnomathematics Laboratory in the Tocantina Amazon, which is a space for experimenting with school content related to the daily practices of students living in riverside environments. The riverside school needs spaces that promote the understanding of mathematical concepts and their relationship with instruments and daily practices and, in this sense, teaching laboratories fulfill this role. Thus, when we interact with riverside practices such as: fishing, handling and extraction of açaí, construction of houses and boats, in addition to the making and manipulation of instruments that assist in these practices, we are faced with opportunities to learn mathematics from the perspective of Ethnomathematics Education.And so, looking at the mathematical content from the traditional practices of the riverside communities, we propose to address the fundamental concepts of symmetry and proportionality to develop teaching materials. Thus, the work was developed based on the assumptions described by Vergani, when describing an ethical strategy to stimulate individual and socio-cultural development, D'Ambrósio when he portrays an Ethnomathematics from the point of view of the student's know-how, as well as the experience in socio-culturally differentiated environments and Bishop, who portrays mathematical enculturation, teaching mathematics from a cultural perspective. As a didactic product, result of this research, we propose the composition of a catalog with several activities developed for schools in riverside environments, didactic materials and methodological structures organized for the creation of an Ethnomathematics Laboratory in school spaces.